1993 Ford Bronco
Owner: youngkidoldbronco         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Tracy, CA, U.S.A.        (Other registries in CA)
Year, Make, & Model: 1993 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Nickname: Roxanne aka THE BEAST
Mileage: 158678
Engine: 351w with a n&n filter and custom snorkel
Notes: Bought it from a guy who let it sit for 15 years. I got it for cheap and was able to get it started, now just fixing everything else. This is also my first vehicle and my pride and joy, yet I sure have a weird way of showing it seeing all the mud, rocks, etc it put it through
Last Updated: 5/23/2013
Hits: 2047
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder The bearing problem6001,889010/2/122/11/13
folder 4x4 problems000005/23/135/23/13
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182 hits | 69.59 KB | Posted: 2/11/13

287 hits | 60.07 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

photo 5.JPG
279 hits | 63.83 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

photo 4.JPG
285 hits | 74.55 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

what my old bearing looked like when it came out
photo 3.JPG
281 hits | 61.48 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

This is the bearing that I cant get off the spindle and I have tried almost everything I can think of and still cant get a puller big enough
photo 1.JPG
575 hits | 56.21 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

This is the side of my truck and an view of what I have done so far
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photo 1.JPG
575 hits | 56.21 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

This is the side of my truck and an view of what I have done so far
287 hits | 60.07 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

photo 4.JPG
285 hits | 74.55 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

what my old bearing looked like when it came out
photo 3.JPG
281 hits | 61.48 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

This is the bearing that I cant get off the spindle and I have tried almost everything I can think of and still cant get a puller big enough
photo 5.JPG
279 hits | 63.83 KB | Posted: 10/2/12

182 hits | 69.59 KB | Posted: 2/11/13

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