IMG_20141007_171053.jpg112 hits | 48.89 KB | Posted: 10/7/14
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IMG_00000206.jpg149 hits | 21.97 KB | Posted: 1/28/14
IMG_0268.JPG233 hits | 49.29 KB | Posted: 2/21/13hard to see but the harness down below has some insulation missing
IMG_0269.JPG188 hits | 53.55 KB | Posted: 2/21/13the black wire has been chewed almost all the way through. dont know what connector this is
IMG_0270.JPG188 hits | 50.31 KB | Posted: 2/21/13see broken wires on thick harness on right hand side
IMG_0271.JPG175 hits | 61.31 KB | Posted: 2/21/13general area behind fue box
IMG_00000203.jpg158 hits | 24.45 KB | Posted: 1/28/14
IMG_00000202.jpg154 hits | 26.81 KB | Posted: 1/28/14