IMG_0266.JPG202 hits | 92.9 KB | Posted: 6/18/13The floor before
IMG_0267.JPG174 hits | 96.41 KB | Posted: 6/18/13Inside panel before
IMG_0268.JPG285 hits | 84.71 KB | Posted: 6/18/13Floor inside again before
IMG_0269.JPG422 hits | 90.69 KB | Posted: 6/18/13This was the first day home
IMG_2056.JPG303 hits | 89.35 KB | Posted: 6/18/13All the panels are off and getting ready for paint
IMG_2060.JPG195 hits | 73.77 KB | Posted: 6/18/13My bench is sitting in the box
IMG_2061.JPG279 hits | 57.12 KB | Posted: 6/18/13
IMG_2062.MOV357 hits | 11.43 MB | Posted: 6/18/13This was before a tune up
IMG_2068.JPG310 hits | 68.93 KB | Posted: 6/18/13Freshly painted
IMG_2069.JPG243 hits | 71.64 KB | Posted: 6/18/13Good 'ol FORD
IMG_2071.JPG229 hits | 72.1 KB | Posted: 6/18/13Getting a new Valve cover gasket
IMG_2072.JPG295 hits | 76.92 KB | Posted: 6/18/13
IMG_2073.JPG269 hits | 39.45 KB | Posted: 6/18/13
IMG_2099.JPG293 hits | 74.88 KB | Posted: 6/18/13
IMG_2112.MOV351 hits | 3.34 MB | Posted: 6/18/13Quiet as a mouse
IMG_2126.MOV417 hits | 15.56 MB | Posted: 6/18/13First day driving it...haha
IMG_2135.JPG305 hits | 70.36 KB | Posted: 6/18/13New White Walls
IMG_2410 (Medium).JPG261 hits | 63.1 KB | Posted: 6/20/14
IMG_2411 (Medium).JPG202 hits | 106.2 KB | Posted: 6/20/14
IMG_2428 (Medium).JPG204 hits | 39.33 KB | Posted: 6/20/14
IMG_2429 (Medium).JPG212 hits | 51.48 KB | Posted: 6/20/14
IMG_2489 (Medium).JPG204 hits | 60.27 KB | Posted: 6/20/14