both power wires tested.JPG 561 hits | 39.66 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - testing the two hot wires
power and ground.JPG 594 hits | 52.79 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - testing power and ground
other power and ground.JPG 587 hits | 48.9 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - testing power and ground
breaker and outlet view.JPG 539 hits | 35.38 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - panel and outlet view
20 ft extension cord plugged in.JPG 632 hits | 42.4 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - extension cord ran
hole drilled in wall below breaker box along s.JPG 624 hits | 33.76 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - hole drilled in wall below breaker box next to stud
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overall compressor plumbed and wired.JPG 802 hits | 53.84 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - all wired up and plumbed
8 gauge 3 wire service cord with 3 prong end.JPG 778 hits | 42.25 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - Bought 20 ft of 8 gauge 3 wire service cord and installed a 3 prong plug on it. Went with the thicker wire for the distance and it will work with a larger 5 hp motor, if i go that rou...
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20 ft extension cord plugged in.JPG 632 hits | 42.4 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - extension cord ran
hole drilled in wall below breaker box along s.JPG 624 hits | 33.76 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - hole drilled in wall below breaker box next to stud
before wire with retainer ring in.JPG 622 hits | 39.75 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - where wires go, wire retainer installed. Had to ream out hole a bit for the thick cable with a dremel.
power and ground.JPG 594 hits | 52.79 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - testing power and ground
other power and ground.JPG 587 hits | 48.9 KB | Posted: 10/5/13 Kobalt Hausfeld 3.7 hp 60 gallon compressor wiring and plumbing - testing power and ground