Frank_rip_2.jpg574 hits | 41.05 KB | Posted: 6/30/03I found this existing rip in my Jeep the other day
Frank_rip_6.jpg672 hits | 36.38 KB | Posted: 6/30/03As you can see, it has made its way out to the outer part of the Jeep
Frank_rip_7.jpg608 hits | 34.25 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Another shot
Frank_rip_8.jpg666 hits | 36.73 KB | Posted: 6/30/03The inner part of the tailgate door next to the hinges
Frank_rip_9.jpg636 hits | 34.83 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Close up
Frank_rip_10.jpg621 hits | 37.43 KB | Posted: 6/30/03There is the origin of the rip
Frank_rip_1.jpg610 hits | 12.44 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Another shot of the origin of the rip
Frank_rip_3.jpg597 hits | 32.14 KB | Posted: 6/30/03So we decided to get the weight off of the tailgate - remove spare
Frank_rip_4.jpg583 hits | 33.2 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Spare gone = dirty mess. Note the upper and lower holes in the hinges that will no longer line up
Frank_rip_5.jpg611 hits | 39.58 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Now the tire bumper guard is off. DIRTY MESS
Frank_rip_11.jpg650 hits | 27.11 KB | Posted: 6/30/03This is where the tailgate door was rubbing due to the excess weight
Frank_rip_13.jpg586 hits | 36.51 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Same thing on the hinge side
Frank_rip_14.jpg573 hits | 32.25 KB | Posted: 6/30/03After tire bump removal. What a surprise.....its dirty!
Frank_rip_16.jpg616 hits | 35.43 KB | Posted: 6/30/03After a little clean up
Frank_rip_17.jpg616 hits | 30.13 KB | Posted: 6/30/03It looks cleaner
Frank_rip_20.jpg676 hits | 28.58 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Put chrome screws in the holes
Frank_rip_22.jpg655 hits | 34.17 KB | Posted: 6/30/03Looks shorter now. I think I like it.