2002 Hyundai Elantra
Owner: The_Shepherd 
From: Munhall, PA, U.S.A.        (Other registries in PA)
Year, Make, & Model: 2002 Hyundai Elantra        (Other Hyundai Elantras)
Nickname: Betsi
Mileage: 104
Engine: 2.0L 1975CID stock
Drivetrain: stock automatic transmission nothing great
Notes: Bought it brand spankin new because it was cheap & dependable. I'v put some hard hauling miles on it as well, for 5 years or so, I would fill the trunk and back seat to the ceiling with cut wood for my smoker, My cars tire would be barely clearing the wheel wells on those trips. I also used it to transport my mechanic tool chests from home to work at least 10 different times all the tools that went in them as well but not at the same time too much weight. It's been a great little runner No major repairs just normal up keep has been done. Like engine oil and filters changes every 3500 miIe once it hit 50,000 miles I used Duralube, now slick 50 every other change also @ 74,000 miles changed timing belt. I think now I'll be changing out the struts and springs in the front as well as the motor and tranny mounts. I'm no expert mechanic but I get by. I help many with thier mechancal problems and always been the honest mechanic.
Last Updated: 5/18/2014
Hits: 1459
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