20150711_130900_resized.jpg157 hits | 40.47 KB | Posted: 7/13/15Before installation.Ignore the dirty engine. It will be cleaned soon.
20150711_131725_resized.jpg176 hits | 45.23 KB | Posted: 7/13/15Intake tube removed.
20150711_132138_resized.jpg168 hits | 48.52 KB | Posted: 7/13/15Non-ported throttle body removed.Note the oil in the upper intake.
20150711_132144_resized.jpg135 hits | 47.75 KB | Posted: 7/13/15
20150711_133132_resized.jpg210 hits | 41.98 KB | Posted: 7/13/15Side by side comparison of stock vs. ported throttle body.Ported throttle body is on top.
20150711_133145_resized.jpg136 hits | 42.81 KB | Posted: 7/13/15
20150711_133221_resized.jpg147 hits | 41.73 KB | Posted: 7/13/15After cleaning the intake.
20150711_133835_resized.jpg143 hits | 42.1 KB | Posted: 7/13/15Ported throttle body installed.
20150711_133843_resized.jpg138 hits | 34.97 KB | Posted: 7/13/15
20150711_134325_resized.jpg163 hits | 41.84 KB | Posted: 7/13/15Buttoned up.Perform the throttle re-learn step as listed on page 5-43 of the manual before driving...