photo.JPG342 hits | 57.93 KB | Posted: 12/2/14This is what the Bronco barfed out. It was very sick.
Before.JPG159 hits | 63.28 KB | Posted: 12/2/14Before the operation
Before 2.JPG181 hits | 62.89 KB | Posted: 12/2/14
Before 3.JPG250 hits | 56.15 KB | Posted: 12/2/14Those evil solenoids
After.JPG262 hits | 64.15 KB | Posted: 12/2/14After the operation. I should paint the valve cover.
After 2.JPG293 hits | 55.38 KB | Posted: 12/2/14Yes. DUI.
After 3.JPG234 hits | 63.79 KB | Posted: 12/2/14The carb that works.
After 4.JPG315 hits | 49.1 KB | Posted: 12/2/14
Carbs.JPG300 hits | 68.08 KB | Posted: 12/2/14Feedback carb on the left, user-friendly carb on the right.
bedliner.JPG174 hits | 64.21 KB | Posted: 12/3/14My son installing Monstaliner
Bronco1.JPG154 hits | 52.96 KB | Posted: 12/3/14Freshening up the paint
Bronco3.JPG189 hits | 46.34 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
floor prep.JPG170 hits | 54.89 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
monstaliner.JPG190 hits | 63.93 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
photo 1 (2).JPG176 hits | 48.79 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
photo 2 (2).JPG170 hits | 33.96 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
photo 3 (2).JPG182 hits | 44.43 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
prep2.JPG199 hits | 50.4 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
wolfie & bronc.JPG191 hits | 45.55 KB | Posted: 12/3/14
Wolfie in Bronco 2.JPG173 hits | 46.41 KB | Posted: 12/3/14