IMG_20141123_132613_027.jpg 493 hits | 67.69 KB | Posted: 12/7/14 Pinned the hood. Latch was iffy. Hood would float while driving so I figured this was a cheap safe fix. Between the pins and adjusting the latch this thing is going no where.
IMG_20141205_185214_946.jpg 478 hits | 82.25 KB | Posted: 12/7/14 Accel coil packs and plugs. Not sure if this was ever done before. Some of the old plugs looked bad. 12/5/14
IMG_20141123_153920_369.jpg 491 hits | 77.01 KB | Posted: 12/7/14 First repair besides the oil change. Replaced the resistor for the blower motor and the burnt wiring harness. 11/30/14
IMG_20141123_132613_027.jpg 493 hits | 67.69 KB | Posted: 12/7/14 Pinned the hood. Latch was iffy. Hood would float while driving so I figured this was a cheap safe fix. Between the pins and adjusting the latch this thing is going no where.
IMG_20141123_153920_369.jpg 491 hits | 77.01 KB | Posted: 12/7/14 First repair besides the oil change. Replaced the resistor for the blower motor and the burnt wiring harness. 11/30/14
IMG_20141205_185214_946.jpg 478 hits | 82.25 KB | Posted: 12/7/14 Accel coil packs and plugs. Not sure if this was ever done before. Some of the old plugs looked bad. 12/5/14