IMG_20141215_194138975.jpg96 hits | 60.48 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Tuff country extended radius arms salvaged from a 94 Bronco.
IMG_20141215_194104728.jpg124 hits | 67.69 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Rusty and dirty.
image.jpg80 hits | 67.11 KB | Posted: 7/29/15A little bent.
image.jpg101 hits | 31.09 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg90 hits | 70.88 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Straightened out with hammer, anvil, and vise.
image.jpg85 hits | 60.42 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg84 hits | 68.24 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Pulling the zerk. They are barbed, not threaded.
image.jpg82 hits | 68.73 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Pressing out the old bushings.
image.jpg108 hits | 77.2 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Starting clean up. Abrasive discs, wire wheels and cup brushes.
image.jpg95 hits | 86.64 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Looking better..still some paint in the corners and hard to reach areas. Sand blaster would be nice.
image.jpg87 hits | 72.42 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg126 hits | 68.74 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg125 hits | 76.8 KB | Posted: 7/29/15Pretty good. All paint is gone, and any rust or pitting.
image (1).jpg_resized_by_AVG_Image_Shrinker.jpg91 hits | 53.42 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg84 hits | 113.3 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg88 hits | 94.66 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg86 hits | 65.78 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
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image.jpg87 hits | 112.58 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg80 hits | 62.2 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg83 hits | 88.73 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg90 hits | 85.76 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg89 hits | 98.22 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
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image.jpg123 hits | 77.95 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg105 hits | 56.67 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg102 hits | 60.19 KB | Posted: 7/29/15
image.jpg111 hits | 63.65 KB | Posted: 7/29/15