Trans79a.JPG 3702 hits | 107.64 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I wore out my first trans when I lived in Louisiana, and I swapped in a used one from a ~'78 F250 4W...
Trans79b.JPG 2935 hits | 85.83 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 It had ~1/2" of mud caked on all over the case, so I scraped most of it off. The pile on the ground...
Trans79tag.JPG 2967 hits | 91.2 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 This is the 3rd one going in. See this image for decoding:
Trans78Tag.jpg 2813 hits | 65.1 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 This is the 2nd one coming out. It replaced the 1st one when I lived in Louisiana, and it came fro...
Trans79c.JPG 3089 hits | 110.56 KB | Posted: 7/13/03
Trans79d.JPG 3179 hits | 91.25 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Service part number E4TA-7003-RA Transmission NP-435, 4WD reman
The switch is for the reverse light...
Boot.JPG 3093 hits | 79.14 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 My first step was to pull the boot. Just 4 screws.
The floor cover is butchered because it's fro...
Retainer.JPG 3261 hits | 75.58 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Push down HARD on the retainer and turn it CCW to release.
Released.jpg 3418 hits | 82.86 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Then let it pop up and the shifter can come out.
Removed.JPG 3116 hits | 80.76 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Make SURE the trans is in N before doing this, or it'll be tricky getting the shifter back in later.
Capped.JPG 3076 hits | 82.13 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I pounded this cap onto the transmission to keep any dirt from falling in as I removed it.
Lift Kit.JPG 3029 hits | 86.74 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I didn't want a bunch of jack stands in my way, so I only used 2 to lift the truck ~6". Since ...
Shafts Skid.JPG 3152 hits | 101.83 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Next, I dropped the skid plate, t-case shift linkage, & driveshafts.
T-case.JPG 3875 hits | 97.91 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 When the t-case separates from the transmission extension, oil will dump out, so be prepared with a ...
NP-208 F.JPG 5024 hits | 115.53 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 NP-208F
The stud just to the R of the yoke is the shifter shaft, and the single post above it is ...
NP-208 R.JPG 4494 hits | 106.41 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 NP-208F
Shifter.JPG 3202 hits | 97.2 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I jammed the shifter up throught the boot to keep it out of the way.
Xmbr Bolts.JPG 2907 hits | 85.7 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 The upper 2 bolts (yellow) only need to be loosened. There's not enough room to remove them anyway.
Heft.JPG 2953 hits | 79.73 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 With the weight off the crossmember and the two 3/4" transmission bolts removed, the crossmember can...
Wash.JPG 3040 hits | 88.63 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Since it was about to rain anyway and I needed a break, I decided to wash it before handling it. I ...
Soak.JPG 3003 hits | 82.67 KB | Posted: 7/13/03
New Parts.JPG 2920 hits | 65.38 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I bought these before I started. Prices are written on the boxes.
Jacked.JPG 2951 hits | 85.91 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 After rinsing, I let it dry and then removed the 4 mounting bolts. It's easier & lighter without th...
Knees.JPG 3063 hits | 79.13 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 After a deep breath, I lifted the transmission, pulled the jack out, pulled the transmission backwar...
Down.JPG 3341 hits | 80.61 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Ya gotta be REAL careful!
Putting it back up there without a trans jack is even LESS fun...
Out.JPG 2965 hits | 101.03 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 With the truck up, it barely cleared the frame, but its (almost) flat bottom allows it to stand.
Compare 2.JPG 3353 hits | 103.73 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 The dirty one has been popping out of Reverse, so I'm swapping in the clean one temporarily, but I m...
Compare 3.JPG 3214 hits | 96.95 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 The main case of an NP435 is 10 13/16" front-to-back across the mounting surfaces; the 4WD exte...
Compare 5.JPG 3102 hits | 110.27 KB | Posted: 7/13/03
Compare 6.JPG 3295 hits | 112.44 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 It's barely visible, but the 15795 extension incorporates a dam to keep most of the transmission oil...
Flywheel.JPG 3100 hits | 76.59 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 While the transmission was down, I decided to inspect the clutch, which was worn down & starting to ...
Pilot Dry.JPG 4195 hits | 81.96 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I also noticed some rust on the tip of the input shaft, and I discovered that I hadn't put any greas...
Bareback.JPG 9614 hits | 97.38 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Since I didn't have a pilot bearing puller, I removed the flywheel to keep the grease off of it. Th...
Pilot Hammer.JPG 3554 hits | 71.59 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 After packing the old pilot with grease, I found a steel rod that barely fit and a LARGE hammer. Wh...
Pilot Out.JPG 3161 hits | 74.25 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 After a few tries, it was out.
RearMain Pull.JPG 5254 hits | 88.44 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 The last thing is to pull the rear main, which can be done with a small flathead screwdriver. It's ...
Muck.JPG 3204 hits | 136.97 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 In the bellhousing, I found the remains of the last starter I had to replace.
Gasket.JPG 3609 hits | 86.2 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 I decided to keep the extension with the dam, and the gasket was shot, so I made a new one.
Neutral.JPG 4972 hits | 116.93 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Neutral
Reverse.JPG 3413 hits | 111.37 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 Reverse
First.JPG 3425 hits | 110.06 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 1st gear
Second.JPG 3498 hits | 111.8 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 2nd gear
Third.JPG 3231 hits | 122.19 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 3rd gear
Fourth.JPG 3431 hits | 116.73 KB | Posted: 7/13/03 4th gear
NP435.jpg 5295 hits | 59.16 KB | Posted: 7/14/03 NP 435 Identification
NP435Kit.JPG 3788 hits | 61.28 KB | Posted: 5/21/07 Master Rebuild Kit AGP435 (BK127WS)
Shortly after installing the 3rd trans, I realized I had take...
NP435.jpg 17429 hits | 97.44 KB | Posted: 5/22/07 Rebuilding the New Process 435 IF THE IMAGE IS TOO SMALL, click it.
2ndOut.JPG 3194 hits | 98.81 KB | Posted: 6/10/07 I've decided to rebuild this one first since I know it needs a lot of work. I picked up another use...
4thIn.JPG 3144 hits | 80.76 KB | Posted: 6/10/07 This is the 4th trans going in. The 2nd will get rebuilt first; then the 3rd. If this one has any ...
StickPowdered.JPG 2841 hits | 105.2 KB | Posted: 6/26/07 Powdercoated Shifter
I still have to brush the coating out of the splines, and buy a new boot & r...
Trans Manuals.jpg 5191 hits | 48.35 KB | Posted: 7/10/03 Old Manual Transmissions