Cluster Front.jpg 51007 hits | 43.19 KB | Posted: 7/26/03 Because I was sick of fighting the speedo cable & plastic gears, and since I had already swapped in ...
Cluster Back.jpg 33716 hits | 44.57 KB | Posted: 7/26/03 This shows most of the modifications I had to make to put the new gauges into the old cluster, and t...
PSOM961.JPG 7937 hits | 80.42 KB | Posted: 7/17/03 This is while I was running up miles on a '96 PSOM using a computer-generated (GoldWave) tone coming...
Note the empty pads in the lower R corner where the DIP switches would be if this was a di...
PSOMface.JPG 8990 hits | 65.97 KB | Posted: 10/3/08 Ford warns about leaving a PSOM face-down causing some discoloration, and this is an example of that...