01AxleShafts.JPG 2916 hits | 124.33 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 At OCBR09, I blew the caps off the U-joi...
02TRE.JPG 3370 hits | 78.6 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Everything up to this point is shown in the [url=http://www.supermotors.net/registry/2742/12739-4]Br...
03LowerBJNut.JPG 3204 hits | 90.58 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Loosen, but don't remove, the lower BJ nut ([url=https://www.amazon.com//dp/B000C5HPRO/]MotorCraft M...
04UpperBJ.JPG 3349 hits | 62.46 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Flip the upper BJ nut and set it flush with the stud. This not only prevents the stud from mushroom...
CamberCam Side.JPG 7033 hits | 66.75 KB | Posted: 7/10/03 Factory solid Camber Cam ~'90-96 1/2-ton 4WD
I now have these to replace them:
CamberCam Bottom.JPG 4774 hits | 67.01 KB | Posted: 7/10/03 92-96 Camber Cam size
Read the NEXT several captions...
05Cam.JPG 3632 hits | 63.44 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Once the taper is loose, pry up the camber cam (if installed). The older style has different indexi...
06Knuckle.JPG 2893 hits | 79.19 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 The lower BJ (MotorCraft MCS-10253) had never been...
07Tube.JPG 2783 hits | 71.42 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Nothing to see here - move along.
For another little TTB-specific job, see this:
08PressOff.JPG 2931 hits | 70.01 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 This [url=http://buy1.snapon.com/catalog/item.asp?P65=&tool=all&item_ID=75395&group_ID=1631&store=sn...
09Out.JPG 2518 hits | 71.8 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Halfway thru, I had to add some washers between the adapters on the ram. Upper BJ: [url=https://www....
10PressIn.JPG 2715 hits | 80.14 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Installing the new BJ (MotorCraft MCS-10339) also t...
11Beam.JPG 2628 hits | 62.16 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 After putting the knuckle back on, I got down to the REAL problem.
For another little TTB-specific ...
12Gears3.JPG 2651 hits | 74.69 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 Do you notice what's missing?
13Hiding.JPG 2477 hits | 80.42 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 THERE it is! Well, at least 1/3 of it...
14ID.JPG 3815 hits | 102.54 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 If you don't know your gear ratio, try to get a look at the edge of the ring gear. Some have the ra...
15Debris.JPG 2423 hits | 76.92 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 What a mess...
I had guessed it was a side gear that shattered, based on the noise it made. I'm ...
16Ering.JPG 2884 hits | 87.9 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 The E-ring barely visible on the end of the axleshaft is what makes this job a pain. This time, I j...
17Ering.JPG 2560 hits | 79.61 KB | Posted: 10/26/09 I think if I had tried, it would have been easy to remove this C-clip through the fill hole in the f...
18Backlash.JPG 2268 hits | 67.59 KB | Posted: 10/30/09 After beginning to tear it down, I decided to check the backlash. It's within spec.
19PinionNut.JPG 2221 hits | 73.65 KB | Posted: 10/30/09 This tool is something I made for fan clutches & pinion nuts, and it works. The big ratchet is also...
20Guts.JPG 2277 hits | 93.42 KB | Posted: 10/30/09 Everything is stripped down & cleaned for welding, except for sandblasting inside the carrier. I wo...
21Welded.JPG 2218 hits | 69.93 KB | Posted: 11/1/09 The welds are a little rough, but my welder (my g/f's nephew) just had rotator cuff surgery & his R ...
E-clipD44IFS.jpg 330 hits | 49.26 KB | Posted: 9/3/22 The E-clip for the right inboard shaft of a Dana 44IFS can be picked through the fill hole. I tried ...
22SnapRing.JPG 3362 hits | 73.26 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 Because the factory E-ring is such a hassle, many people weld the slip yoke cap & install a spring t...
23Keystone.JPG 2633 hits | 63.95 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 I straightened & then reset the keystone clamps on the slip yoke boot.
24BeamHole.JPG 2473 hits | 113.67 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 To make draining easier & cleaner, I cut a hole in the bottom of the beam below the lowest point of ...
25DrainPilot.JPG 2816 hits | 74.99 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 I started with a 1/4" bit, then 1/2", then 3/4" to make the drain hole in the 3rd mem...
26Tap.JPG 2842 hits | 75.36 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 It took a lot of driving to find this 1/2"-14 NPT tap to match the stock diff plug that I'm goi...
27Plug.JPG 2346 hits | 65.56 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 This factory magnetic diff plug should collect any welding spatter that I didn't knock off, and it's...
28Assembled.JPG 2601 hits | 82.92 KB | Posted: 11/3/09 All slapped together & ready to go back! I'm putting the slip yoke back onto the outer shaft first,...
30Drain.JPG 2475 hits | 68.36 KB | Posted: 11/4/09 I knew it wouldn't be exactly aligned, so I'll widen the hole with a burr one of these days.
31Shattered.JPG 2441 hits | 105.27 KB | Posted: 12/2/10 Well, I THOUGHT my gorilla welds had broken at OCBR, but apparently not... Both hub locks are shatt...
32Puller.JPG 2287 hits | 93.77 KB | Posted: 12/2/10 The debris in the splines caught in the outer ring's groove, preventing the lock body from sliding o...
33Fail.JPG 2344 hits | 109.71 KB | Posted: 12/2/10 Eventually, most of the sections with threads had pulled out.
34Out.JPG 2484 hits | 77.67 KB | Posted: 12/2/10 Fortunately, there was just enough to grab, and it finally came out.
35Mess.JPG 2503 hits | 84.42 KB | Posted: 12/2/10 The other side wasn't nearly this bad, but I still had my O'Reilly's receipt from 1999, and they swa...
CamberCamChart.JPG 2647 hits | 75.66 KB | Posted: 8/30/13 Installation & Adjustment for (Moog K80108 ) 3 1/4-degree dual-axis camber cams
BJrayb.JPG 1403 hits | 119.66 KB | Posted: 10/24/14 Raybestos Ball Joints for most D44IFS TTBs; Ford/MotorCraft are better, and not substantially more e...
BJupper.JPG 1351 hits | 119.59 KB | Posted: 10/24/14 Pressing the upper BJ (MotorCraft MCS-10339) in fir...
BJlower.JPG 1241 hits | 139.36 KB | Posted: 10/24/14 Pressing the lower BJ (MotorCraft MCS-10253) in las...
BJsCC.jpg 640 hits | 43.69 KB | Posted: 6/17/22 Upper Ball Joint: Ford F6TZ3V049AA, MC MCS10339, [url=https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018OGIIKK]Spicer 20...
BallJointXtorch.jpg 471 hits | 81.05 KB | Posted: 8/29/22 Ball Joint Removal with a torch IF THE IMAGE IS TOO SMALL, click it.
Ball joint presses are cumbers...
Diff90F410.JPG 1034 hits | 95.21 KB | Posted: 1/9/15 JY '90 F150 Dana44IFS TTB Tag