switchpanel.jpg 109 hits | 36.52 KB | Posted: 11/8/16 3D Designed this switch panel for this project, if you'd like to download the project file check out...
IMG_20160928_183204047.jpg 95 hits | 84.1 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 First I ran a bunch of power inputs for my switches from a big 2 gauge cable.
IMG_20160928_183215492.jpg 90 hits | 54.64 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 Then I ended up using a door jam switch to power my interior and runningboard lights in position 1.
IMG_20160928_183229104.jpg 97 hits | 58.86 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 My Visor lights were powered by the sidemarkers being turned on in swich position 1.
IMG_20160928_183245869.jpg 115 hits | 72.56 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 My reverse lights are powered regularly by going into R in switch position 1.
IMG_20160928_183256867.jpg 83 hits | 75.17 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 Connected my filler fake-speaker lights and the 4 led strips under each seat together.
IMG_20160928_183518171.jpg 89 hits | 63.38 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 Here is the switch board in position, but not glued yet. The LED diode pigtails and switches are bot...
IMG_20160929_173133990.jpg 104 hits | 118.61 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 Everything temporary hooked up to test switches. I insulated more carefully and added fuses before a...
IMG_20160930_190834362.jpg 105 hits | 89.22 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 Here it is all glued in, it looks messy but I have since cleaned up the glue and added black rubber ...
IMG_20160928_183332279.jpg 81 hits | 78.46 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 These is how I connected the running-board light wires.
IMG_20161001_112554300.jpg 102 hits | 97.61 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 Main power cord strapped down under passenger carpet.
ozZ9nwM.jpg 92 hits | 28.82 KB | Posted: 11/8/16 Holes that the previous owner drilled for some reason?
IMG_20160905_180225099.jpg 78 hits | 118.76 KB | Posted: 11/1/16 My LED halo inside a speaker grille, best option I could think of.