P1040041 - Bronco vs Windstar seat.jpg
128 hits | 45.12 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

'92 Bronco seat on left, '95 Windstar seat on right.
P1040042 - Bronco vs Windstar seat.jpg
87 hits | 34.96 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Bronco vs Windstar seat slider setups.
P1040044 - Windstar seat base on Bronco rail.jpg
87 hits | 44.29 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Windstar seat base mounted to Bronco rails.
P1040045 - Windstar seat test fit.jpg
105 hits | 35.5 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Windstar seat & base in Bronco = epic fail.
P1040046 - Bronco seat rails.jpg
87 hits | 49.36 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Plan B underway... Bronco seat rails removed from sliders. 8 rivets, really?
P1040049 - Windstar seat adapter plate.jpg
79 hits | 24.03 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Adapter plate to mount the Windstar slider to the Bronco rails.
P1040050 - Windstar seat adapter plate.jpg
114 hits | 23.9 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Had to cut down the vertical sides of the adapter plate to clear the sides of the Windstar seat cush...
P1040051 - Windstar seat on Bronco rails.jpg
99 hits | 39.63 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Bronco rails and adapter plate mounted to Windstar seat.
P1040052 - Windstar seat installed.jpg
113 hits | 44.17 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Windstar seat installed! Turned out pretty good, other than being too close to the steering wheel. ...
P1040055 - Windstar seat vs opal grey.jpg
108 hits | 60.85 KB | Posted: 8/25/17

Not a bad color match for the opal grey interior.
P1040056 - Windstar seat adapter v2.jpg
107 hits | 26.87 KB | Posted: 8/26/17

v2 seat adapter brainstorming.
DSCF0479 - Windstar adapter sq tubing.jpg
67 hits | 29.28 KB | Posted: 11/29/18

Making a much beefier adapter out of 3/4" square tubing, allowing the seat to be positioned fur...
DSCF0482 - Windstar adapter sq tubing welded.jpg
55 hits | 34.02 KB | Posted: 11/29/18

Welding it up.
DSCF0480 - Windstar seat sq tubing, rear extension.jpg
75 hits | 21.53 KB | Posted: 11/29/18

Much more rearward extension than the flexy old aluminum plate adapter.
DSCF0489 - Windstar adapter sq tubing angles.jpg
61 hits | 47.04 KB | Posted: 11/29/18

Adding some inner tubing (!), both for added strength and to align with bolt holes on the Bronco rai...
DSCF0490 - Windstar adapter sq tubing mounted.jpg
74 hits | 66.58 KB | Posted: 11/29/18

Mounted up and ready to go in.
DSCF3467 - dr seat belt floor mount.jpg
46 hits | 49.99 KB | Posted: 10/10/21

After hopping in to take it for a drive last night, seeing how it handles with the top back on after...
DSCF3468 - seat belt mounted to Windstar bracket.jpg
47 hits | 42.45 KB | Posted: 10/10/21

One of the F-series bench seat belts ended up working well, with a trimmed sleeve, along with the Wi...
DSCF3469 - seat belt mounted to Windstar bracket.jpg
51 hits | 39.46 KB | Posted: 10/10/21

The pivot stop is a little lower than ideal, but good enough for now. I've got more pressing matter...
DSCF3470 - Windstar bracket to modify as seat belt pivot stop.jpg
37 hits | 44.23 KB | Posted: 10/10/21

This is the bracket that fits that hole and formed the fabric indentation. I'll modify it with some...
DSCF3614 - Windstar seat belt pivot stop.jpg
54 hits | 58.8 KB | Posted: 11/9/21

After digging through my scrap pile for suitable pieces of metal to configure as a pivot stop for th...
DSCF3615 - Windstar seat belt pivot stop.jpg
43 hits | 55.66 KB | Posted: 11/9/21

Seat belt pivot stop installed. No more reaching below the arm rest to find the receiver!

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