P1040481 - cab lights mockup.jpg67 hits | 27.37 KB | Posted: 2/8/18F350 cab lights mockup.
P1040482 - cab lights mockup, 12 in spacing.jpg66 hits | 56.42 KB | Posted: 2/8/18F350 cab lights mockup, standard 12" spacing.
P1040484 - cab lights mockup, narrower spacing.jpg66 hits | 54.89 KB | Posted: 2/8/18F350 cab lights mockup, narrower spacing.
P1040485 - cab lights connector not present.jpg78 hits | 72.29 KB | Posted: 2/8/18F350 cab lights mockup, F-series connector not present on the Bronco.
P1040539 - cab lights, mystery connector.jpg87 hits | 57.25 KB | Posted: 3/7/18Bottom side of the unused 12-pin connector with parking light (brown) input.
P1040540 - GM cab lights mockup.jpg72 hits | 37.87 KB | Posted: 3/7/18'88-02 GM cab lights mockup.
P1040542 - GM cab lights mockup.jpg72 hits | 31.58 KB | Posted: 3/7/18'88-02 GM cab lights mockup.
hood cab lights mockup - composite.jpg122 hits | 35.62 KB | Posted: 9/15/18Hood marker lights, hmm...
hood cab lights mockup - racing stripes.jpg180 hits | 40.07 KB | Posted: 9/20/18Hood marker lights with temporary racing stripes.