DSCF2680 - GT40 dr ported, intake ports.jpg 55 hits | 20.43 KB | Posted: 11/16/20 Intake ports done. I didn't get super aggressive with the pushrod bulges, opting instead to just le...
DSCF2681 - GT40 dr ported, intake port.jpg 49 hits | 40.49 KB | Posted: 11/16/20 Close-up of one of the intake ports. You can see the walls aren't perfectly flat, but I didn't want...
DSCF2689 - GT40 dr ported, bowls.jpg 56 hits | 46.73 KB | Posted: 11/16/20 Intake/exhaust bowls ported. The valve throat has been opened up as far as I dared go on the exhaus...
DSCF2719 - GT40 valves lapped.jpg 69 hits | 27.73 KB | Posted: 11/16/20 Valves lapped ... plus a little flash rust from the water leak test. They all seem to seal well eno...