DSCN0160.JPG737 hits | 126.24 KB | Posted: 1/26/04Playing around on the local trails after a rare snowfall in Charlotte.
DSCN0161.JPG617 hits | 127.73 KB | Posted: 1/26/04My buddy in his TJ. He'd rather be climbing rocks, but we managed to get him dirty today.
DSCN0165.JPG717 hits | 110.77 KB | Posted: 1/26/04
DSCN0167.JPG627 hits | 110.38 KB | Posted: 1/26/04
DSCN0168.JPG677 hits | 121.44 KB | Posted: 1/26/04To my surprise, the ice didn't hold.
DSCN0171.JPG637 hits | 110.12 KB | Posted: 1/26/04Tried to back it out, but only got more bogged down. Had to hang my head and get yanked out by a je...
DSCN0172.JPG618 hits | 104.19 KB | Posted: 1/26/04
DSCN0173.JPG596 hits | 104.63 KB | Posted: 1/26/04
DSCN0174.JPG580 hits | 75.94 KB | Posted: 1/26/04
DSCN0176.JPG713 hits | 116.33 KB | Posted: 1/26/04
John 4 Off Road 2 2004.JPG2934 hits | 61.29 KB | Posted: 3/1/04Fun creek crossing.
John 4 Off Road 2004.JPG712 hits | 52.31 KB | Posted: 3/1/04Even more fun on the way up.