MiddleOfNowhere.jpg744 hits | 42.89 KB | Posted: 8/25/04All alone in the middle of nowhere.
MiddleOfNowhere2.jpg672 hits | 48.46 KB | Posted: 8/25/04Again, in the middle of nowhere.
FrontAngle2.jpg716 hits | 72.6 KB | Posted: 8/25/04The money shot! Best pic I've ever taken of my car IMO.
MiddleOfNowhere3.jpg1094 hits | 108.8 KB | Posted: 8/25/04Sweet, I found an abandoned road to take pics on.
MiddleOfNowhere4.jpg681 hits | 101.86 KB | Posted: 8/25/04Just relaxing.
MiddleOfNowhere5.jpg666 hits | 94.5 KB | Posted: 8/25/04Just perfect.