SpeakersNew.jpg883 hits | 106.25 KB | Posted: 9/5/04My new speakers! Pioneer TS-162. Ok, so they aren't state-of-the-art, but they were free!
SpeakerCompare.jpg792 hits | 71.23 KB | Posted: 9/5/04Comparison of old Ford speaker and new Pioneer speaker.
SpeakerPassOld.jpg879 hits | 106.22 KB | Posted: 9/5/04Old Ford speaker in door.
SpeakerPassNew.jpg754 hits | 114.54 KB | Posted: 9/5/04The new speaker installed.
DriverDoorError.jpg758 hits | 112.62 KB | Posted: 9/5/04You would think those stupid plastic rivets would break before the stupid door panel did!