1Greenfoam.jpg 1046 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 Carving the greenfoam for the body.
2Frame.jpg 712 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 The drawing for the car was blown up to scale, and a Plexiglas frame was built around it. Note clean...
3Drying_the_epoxy.jpg 745 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 The foam wedges are epoxied in between the bulkheads on the frame.
4Sculpted_Foam.jpg 838 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 The foam is sanded and carved down to the desired shape.
5Sculpted_Foam_2.jpg 933 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 This was accomplished using palm sanders, filecards, sanding blocks and penknives.
6Wood_Glue.jpg 782 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 Since fiberglass will eat through greenfoam, it is covered with three coats of wood glue to protect ...
7Heat_Guns.jpg 956 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 The wood glue drying under twin heat guns, set on low. Note distance of guns to avoid melting of the...
8Fiberglass.jpg 988 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 The fiberglass weave in place. Not shown: Two gelcoats, second fiberglass layer.
9Bondo_work.jpg 958 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 Fiberglass resin and Bondo are then mixed together and applied liberally over the model. Once a thic...
10Primer.jpg 938 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 Primer is sprayed on and sanded off to determine where the low spots on the model are. Bondo can the...
11Awaiting_Paint.jpg 1076 hits | | Posted: 6/30/03 After countless man-hours of sanding with progressively finer grits (approx. 50-60 hrs.), the model ...
Osprey_Side_High.jpg 851 hits | 25.27 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 The completed model. More images of the model are available under the "3/D Concept Models" section.