Subs.jpg 688 hits | 37.88 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 Pic of the subs mtx 8000
Amp_Rack.jpg 857 hits | 35.63 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 Rockford Fosgate 800 for a little more bass along with a punch capacitor, mtx x-over, and punch distribution blocks
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Mvc-004s.jpg 902 hits | 40.66 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 First of many additions. Mainly to protect aganist those damn bugs and stones on the e-way
Amp_Rack.jpg 857 hits | 35.63 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 Rockford Fosgate 800 for a little more bass along with a punch capacitor, mtx x-over, and punch distribution blocks
Set30_03.jpg 838 hits | 42.83 KB | Posted: 2/1/05 old school rockford power
338230_4_full.jpg 806 hits | 39.9 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 Anyone know how to make my taurus look like this