hollister1.jpg930 hits | 46.63 KB | Posted: 1/3/04At Hollister, about to get muddy
CoastalTrailHead.jpg807 hits | 49.75 KB | Posted: 1/3/04At the Trailhead at Los Coyotes, summer 2002
Coastal3Legs.jpg821 hits | 53.38 KB | Posted: 1/3/04Teetering on three Los Coyotes Summer 2003
Coastaltrail.jpg728 hits | 48.94 KB | Posted: 1/3/04On the trail Los Coyotes Summer 2002
eboverheaad.jpg1148 hits | 27.2 KB | Posted: 1/2/04Eddie Bauer Overhead Console parts diagram - about $400 total new
overhead2.jpg1500 hits | 45.66 KB | Posted: 1/2/04Eddie Bauer Overhead Console