1993 Ford F-150
Owner: Chris Swatloski         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Littleton, CO, U.S.A.        (Other registries in CO)
Year, Make, & Model: 1993 Ford F-150        (Other Ford F-150s)
Nickname: Mtn. Bolt
Mileage: 109000
Engine: 351W, World Products Windsor Sr. heads (200cc int. run 2.02int 1.60exh.), Crane roller cam 364215 (Lobe center 112, duration 260int 270exh .445int & .470ex) Comps Rollin' rockers, Mass air conversion utilizing RJMinjection.com layover harness,, 90mm Lightning MAF, 42lb inj., 2.1l Kenne Bell Twin Screw Flowzilla at 8lbs of boost, 75mm Accufab throttle body, K&N filter, BBK in-line 50gph fuel pump, JBA stainless shorties, Bassani "Y" pipe 3" Stainless exhaust, Flowmaster 70 series with 18" Magnaflow glass pack, all mandrell bent goodness, TwEECer tuned FLY1/AHACA Truck EECIV for engine and Transmission management.
Drivetrain: Stock - t-case & front D44 IFS 4.11's

Rear axle Ford 8.8, 31 spline, Yukon Dura Grip Posi, and Yukon alloy shafts.

Transmission - Punsher E4OD by Paul's Clutch Boxes and Precision - Stallion Torque Converter.
Notes: It only had two prior owners, I bought it from a Ford Salesman, and it was well maintained at the dealership.
Last Updated: 7/2/2015
Hits: 64391
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder Misc.1309821,302012/15/052/17/18
folder 4 Sale13002,59009/20/0710/10/13
folder Mtn. Bolt250212,10608/10/1112/4/12
    folder Seats5001,243010/18/1110/18/11
    folder Engine12008,97409/10/0912/18/12
        folder Supercharger4002,88309/10/0910/18/11
        folder Desktop Dyno 2000420016,72702/1/1112/13/12
        folder TwEECer14003,251010/6/114/20/15
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            folder Engine tune10002,22302/13/122/26/12
            folder Calcon Screen shots30049401/16/131/20/13
        folder 1.6 VS 1.7 Rockers20039204/2/124/2/12
        folder DD200321003,307012/11/1212/18/12
    folder 8.840083102/9/127/5/12
    folder Headlights/side Marker Combo and Bumper40081902/15/122/15/12
    folder Sun Roof9001,97903/25/124/4/12
    folder Sway bars6001,91504/9/125/16/12
    folder Emission Control20050504/25/124/25/12
    folder Frankenlift - SuperRanchoBDS14003,11609/21/1212/10/12
folder E4OD Transmission9002,35902/9/129/12/13
folder E4OD Tweecer Tune19003,90402/13/1212/12/12
folder MTB30058807/2/157/2/15
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