KBDeadPedal02.JPG 1218 hits | 69.56 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 Kenny Brown Dead Pedal Installed.
Hitch04-.jpg 1394 hits | 56.02 KB | Posted: 7/17/03 Reese Class II shadow mount to standard square Class II custom adapter for Draw-Tite cargo carrier b...
CargoCarry04-.JPG 944 hits | 53.02 KB | Posted: 7/17/03 Draw-Tite cargo carrier basket. For those days you need a little more room. And if the load is lar...
TracLok03.JPG 900 hits | 39.74 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 Used TracLok parts. Notice clutches and S-Spring are worn out.
SspringGoingIn.JPG 888 hits | 86.18 KB | Posted: 7/17/03 Inserting the F-150 S spring into the Trac Lock. This has 2 extra clutches and all shims removed.
CclipsModified.JPG 824 hits | 15.67 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 Modified the C-Clips to allow installation/removal with the extra 2 clutches installed.
65to70.JPG 847 hits | 82.28 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 FRPP 70mm TB compared with stock 65mm unit. Outside diameters are the same.
70on65.JPG 851 hits | 56.08 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 FRPP 70mm TB compared to stock 65mm unit.
KeylessEntryPad01.JPG 750 hits | 38.59 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 My Keyless Entry Number Pad Quit Working. Water had leaked into and corroded it. Had to replace wi...
KeylessEntryPad02-.JPG 797 hits | 29.22 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 Keyless Entry Number Pad Internals.
FanModuleFail.jpg 709 hits | 40.78 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 The solider joint went bad in my A/C blower circuit. This is mounted inside the airbox. As result ...
UDComp01.JPG 796 hits | 34.01 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 Steeda underdrive pulleys compared to stock. (Back when I was n/a)
UDRemovalTools.JPG 841 hits | 39.72 KB | Posted: 3/13/04 Proper removal tools. It took an 1/2" impact 6-point 18mm socket to get the harmonic balancer bolt ...
Gauges07.JPG 881 hits | 40.94 KB | Posted: 1/23/05 Tachometer mounted to the steering column