IMG00017.JPG893 hits | 60.33 KB | Posted: 9/4/04Boxed with 1/4" plate sides, 1/8" top and bottom, after adding the extensions.
IMG00020.JPG994 hits | 58.27 KB | Posted: 9/4/04
IMG00022.JPG983 hits | 78.35 KB | Posted: 9/4/04Slid the axle under the truck temporarily.
IMG00023.JPG965 hits | 79.53 KB | Posted: 9/4/04
IMG00034.JPG874 hits | 55.95 KB | Posted: 10/8/04
IMG00033.JPG805 hits | 59.46 KB | Posted: 10/8/04
IMG00039.JPG989 hits | 54.58 KB | Posted: 10/8/04
IMG00041.JPG964 hits | 43.02 KB | Posted: 10/8/04
IMG00046.JPG966 hits | 57.1 KB | Posted: 11/2/04
IMG00047.JPG845 hits | 60.09 KB | Posted: 11/2/04
IMG00048.JPG861 hits | 65.13 KB | Posted: 11/2/04
IMG00043.JPG863 hits | 61.19 KB | Posted: 11/14/04
IMG00046a (1).JPG893 hits | 70.79 KB | Posted: 11/14/04I clipped and capped the boxed portion to fit the part of the vehicle's frame where it makes that up...
IMG00046a (2).JPG941 hits | 68.38 KB | Posted: 11/14/04
IMG00066.JPG955 hits | 69.94 KB | Posted: 11/20/04
IMG00067.JPG857 hits | 62.64 KB | Posted: 11/20/04
IMG00054.JPG932 hits | 65.17 KB | Posted: 11/20/04
IMG00069.JPG897 hits | 60.79 KB | Posted: 11/20/04
IMG00065.JPG954 hits | 74.22 KB | Posted: 11/20/04
IMG00049.JPG893 hits | 51 KB | Posted: 12/5/04
IMG00057.JPG835 hits | 75.18 KB | Posted: 12/5/04
IMG00055.JPG850 hits | 79.23 KB | Posted: 12/5/04
IMG00048 (1).JPG917 hits | 60.73 KB | Posted: 12/29/04Start of the track bar bracket which will be bolt on and also tied to the crossmember.
IMG00048(6).JPG917 hits | 54.25 KB | Posted: 12/29/04It uses the two of the same holes as the steering box.
IMG00048 (3).JPG916 hits | 83.91 KB | Posted: 12/29/04loose test fit.
IMG00048 (4).JPG977 hits | 76.46 KB | Posted: 12/29/04That other gusset will tie into the spring bucket as well as the rest of the bracket itself.
IMG00048 (5).JPG1005 hits | 80.02 KB | Posted: 12/29/04backside
IMG00050.JPG1020 hits | 79.74 KB | Posted: 1/1/05tie to crossmember
IMG00051.JPG890 hits | 67.32 KB | Posted: 1/1/05
IMG00052.JPG975 hits | 77.51 KB | Posted: 1/1/05
IMG00058.JPG903 hits | 70.4 KB | Posted: 1/1/05figuring lower shock mount with an old shock for reference