P4100028.JPG 1017 hits | 61.98 KB | Posted: 4/19/04 The first truss welded in place, Thanks to Bob K.
P4100029.JPG 960 hits | 61.81 KB | Posted: 4/19/04 Another shot of the first truss, I think this is going to look good!
P4100034.JPG 1047 hits | 31.37 KB | Posted: 4/19/04 The first roadblock we encountered when taking out the ARB to put into the new axle. The pin was bro...
P4100033.JPG 911 hits | 33.18 KB | Posted: 4/19/04 The head of the pin was shattered making it extremly difficult to remove, but with Bob K's expertise...
P4100036.JPG 1012 hits | 60.42 KB | Posted: 4/19/04 The second truss now welded into place
P4100042.JPG 946 hits | 60.13 KB | Posted: 4/19/04 I have a feeling this axle will probably be stronger and out-live the rest of my Explorer now.