5.8 motor 002.jpg1190 hits | 87.4 KB | Posted: 6/4/07enjoying a beverage, yes thats me.
5.8 motor 001.jpg1114 hits | 46.85 KB | Posted: 6/4/07back of motor full of oil from roll over.
88 bronco teardown 005.jpg1075 hits | 99.46 KB | Posted: 4/24/07another look
88 bronco teardown 004.jpg945 hits | 101.17 KB | Posted: 4/24/07have some room to work now
88 bronco teardown 003.jpg1002 hits | 86.01 KB | Posted: 4/24/07pile O parts, good headlight bezzels
88 bronco teardown 002.jpg1067 hits | 98.77 KB | Posted: 4/24/07getting started
88 bronco teardown 001.jpg989 hits | 99.15 KB | Posted: 4/24/07rolled on left 85 on right
bronco rolled 007.jpg1267 hits | 36.22 KB | Posted: 1/1/06
bronco rolled 005.jpg2299 hits | 79.02 KB | Posted: 1/1/06
5.8 engine swap.jpg7038 hits | 80.42 KB | Posted: 11/15/04the 5.8 from 95 F250
egr connector.jpg2929 hits | 46 KB | Posted: 11/15/04Egr connector.
engine pic.JPG2022 hits | 58.91 KB | Posted: 11/15/04TAD/TAB sensor located towards back. both connectors are slightly different so once again only plug into one place
Tfi- spout connectors.jpg1958 hits | 46.67 KB | Posted: 11/15/04Tfi connector, notice spout connector near by.
IAC Connector.jpg1869 hits | 46.53 KB | Posted: 11/15/04IAC connector & TPS connector on the right
NewEngine.jpg1692 hits | 45.2 KB | Posted: 10/31/03What is this hose connecting to on either end. thanks
bronco rolled 002.jpg1600 hits | 64.85 KB | Posted: 1/1/06
Picture 013.jpg1535 hits | 55.77 KB | Posted: 10/24/04Heres the tailgate in place and operational