DSC03766.JPG 612 hits | 57.29 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 SHO up in the air.. for the tires to be taken off.
DSC03768.JPG 611 hits | 62.42 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 And the tires are off.
DSC03769.JPG 610 hits | 55.32 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 Ahh.. An SHO wheel just strewn about.. that's not good.
DSC03770.JPG 562 hits | 48.37 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 the two left side tires.. these ones are technically "bald" but that's alright.. I'll keep them.
DSC03771.JPG 615 hits | 53.74 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 ..strewn about?.. we'll fix that.. Put it in the junk pile.
DSC03772.JPG 622 hits | 37.41 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 """OK, give me those two old tires on these bad wheels.. No, I don't want them balanced.. can't you ...
DSC03773.JPG 594 hits | 45.41 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 the new tires, awaiting their position.
DSC03774.JPG 608 hits | 39.06 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 And the tires are on.. Lets go get it aligned..down at THAT window.
DSC03775.JPG 593 hits | 56.65 KB | Posted: 6/9/04 Up on the alignment.. umm.. thing.