104_0429.JPG 533 hits | 49.65 KB | Posted: 3/21/04 The perpetrators. Anybody remember these? I love 'em!
104_0430.JPG 605 hits | 35.1 KB | Posted: 3/21/04 After about 2 hours of cutting, measuring and liquid nails; this is what I came up with. (Before dri...
104_0427.JPG 606 hits | 36.16 KB | Posted: 3/21/04 test fit.
107_0725.JPG 745 hits | 44.53 KB | Posted: 3/21/04 Carpeted, installed, d-blocks. Not too shabby.
104_0458.JPG 642 hits | 56.07 KB | Posted: 3/21/04 2 AWG power and grounds to the frame, block & amp rack. Powered by a 200A Ohio generator 3G upgrade....