hank1.jpg516 hits | 43.51 KB | Posted: 5/5/04Our dog, Hank, and a kitten. Hank is a girl.
hank2.jpg524 hits | 35.29 KB | Posted: 5/5/04
muffler bearing.jpg561 hits | 29.61 KB | Posted: 5/19/04
search.jpg471 hits | 8.98 KB | Posted: 9/20/04The answer to most problems
report.gif450 hits | 1.81 KB | Posted: 9/20/04
wally_crawler.jpg548 hits | 43.02 KB | Posted: 10/17/04Xtreme Rock Crawler, or Wally Crawler. $6 at Wal-Mart and worth every penny.
dogs.jpg458 hits | 56.99 KB | Posted: 10/28/04Hank is the (female) rat terrier, Somebody is the black lab/something else dog
somebody.jpg402 hits | 35.01 KB | Posted: 10/28/04Somebody
sterling_leak.JPG521 hits | 40.93 KB | Posted: 4/19/05Plug leaking on a Sterling 10.5" axle
briggs.JPG620 hits | 19.02 KB | Posted: 7/3/05College Station -> Briggs
switches.jpg522 hits | 33.86 KB | Posted: 7/8/05'80-86 switches
colt_l.jpg651 hits | 44.08 KB | Posted: 8/4/05Colt Combat Commander
colt_r.jpg1364 hits | 44.7 KB | Posted: 8/4/05Colt Combat Commander
buckmark.JPG562 hits | 45.74 KB | Posted: 4/7/07Browning Buckmark
welder.JPG520 hits | 46.41 KB | Posted: 4/7/07Lincoln 175
IMG_20140625_192856.jpg396 hits | 39.72 KB | Posted: 7/28/14
IMG_20140625_192931.jpg345 hits | 53.33 KB | Posted: 7/28/14