1967 Ford F-100
Owner: Richard Cherico         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Round Rock, TX, U.S.A.        (Other registries in TX)
Year, Make, & Model: 1967 Ford F-100        (Other Ford F-100s)
Clubs: SuperFord.org        (Other vehicles in this club)
Nickname: First love
Mileage: 200000
Engine: 1975 460, Edelbrock 1406 carb
Drivetrain: C6 tranny, Ford 9" rear end
Notes: This was my first vehicle, and the truck that I learned a lot of my wrenching skills on. It was a gift when I was 15; my parents' friends had built it up and didn't really have anything to do with it.

It had a custom interior, tinted windows, and power steering. At the time, I had never driven a vehicle with so much raw power (I had been driving SBCs).

I spent way too much time working on it, learning all of its ins and outs. I added power brakes soon after I started driving it regularly.

On a Sunday in February 1996, it came to a tragic end. The carburetor stuck open, and not knowing what else to do at that age, I tried to put it into neutral. Instead, it went into park at 100 mph, locked the rear tires, and I went off of the side of the road. The truck ended up in three widely-spaced areas in a field--the cab, the frame, and the engine/tranny. My then-girlfriend (wife now) was following me in her truck and was frantic until I came out the window of the truck. I walked away with a torn tendon in my hand and painful memories.

It was a very painful learning experience, and I still agonize at the loss of a very unique '67. Many of the parts from that truck are either in storage or have made it into my '68.
Last Updated: 7/4/2007
Hits: 8226
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder The truck8006,11201/31/046/26/04
folder The accident 1996020410007,43601/31/047/4/07
    folder The wrecking yard260010,31807/4/077/4/07
    folder The teardown 1996021010006,57707/4/077/4/07
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1290 hits | 50.56 KB | Posted: 1/31/04

986 hits | 64.66 KB | Posted: 1/31/04

My wife and I, circa almost a decade ago. And the truck.
855 hits | 38.23 KB | Posted: 2/1/04

849 hits | 51.42 KB | Posted: 6/26/04

Here's what the floor/defrost diverter looked like on my '67. It was a handle that you had to turn by hand rather than a cable-operated one like the '68s.
845 hits | 24.08 KB | Posted: 2/1/04

I drew a crowd; lots of emergency vehicles, but I walked away. I went to the ER for the pain in my hand, which took a month or so to heal.
843 hits | 34.72 KB | Posted: 2/1/04

835 hits | 42.28 KB | Posted: 2/1/04

834 hits | 25.42 KB | Posted: 2/1/04

My brother-in-law's apartment maintenance worker happened to be driving by. He stopped and took pictures for his own curiosity, having no idea who I was. Amazingly, he showed them to my brother-in-law, who got copies for me. I still don't know why...
816 hits | 37.18 KB | Posted: 2/1/04

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