cdplayerandeq.jpg527 hits | 60.91 KB | Posted: 2/5/04cd player and graphic eq...blurry because i had stereo on, but not very loud. oh well
DSCF0130.JPG479 hits | 82.51 KB | Posted: 2/5/044 chan amp
DSCF0136.JPG489 hits | 76.31 KB | Posted: 2/5/04no back seat view
DSCF0137.JPG474 hits | 75.41 KB | Posted: 2/5/04no back seat view
60ampfuseandsiren.jpg448 hits | 82.84 KB | Posted: 2/5/0460 amp fuse, alarm siren, and you can kind of see the 100 amp circuit breaker
100ampcurcuitbreaker.jpg457 hits | 68.18 KB | Posted: 2/5/04100 amp circuit breaker
backseatwithnoseat.jpg428 hits | 85.87 KB | Posted: 2/5/04another one with no back seat in
extrabatteryground.jpg449 hits | 91.39 KB | Posted: 2/5/04added another ground
groundinbackseat.jpg473 hits | 99.33 KB | Posted: 2/5/04where the 2 amps ground is at
opentrunk.jpg461 hits | 84.01 KB | Posted: 2/5/04subs, one amp, and cap that just looks cool and does nothing really
opentrunkangled.jpg489 hits | 99.18 KB | Posted: 2/5/04another truck shot with the other amp