DSC00009.JPG 388 hits | 39.28 KB | Posted: 4/17/04 Chris got stuck playing around
DSC00010.JPG 463 hits | 59.2 KB | Posted: 4/17/04 I tried to tug him out, but my bronco was too weak. I ended up turning around and winching him with...
DSC00026.JPG 357 hits | 71.85 KB | Posted: 4/17/04 Me and my Bad Karma
DSC00027.JPG 463 hits | 60.28 KB | Posted: 4/17/04 This kid got his daddy's hummer stuck in some soft sand. When he first got stuck he told US to walk...
DSC00029.JPG 384 hits | 44.9 KB | Posted: 4/17/04 A moment of true genius, the guy in the 7,000 lb hummer is getting winched out by a small toyota tru...
dalebronco.jpg 368 hits | 59.7 KB | Posted: 5/3/04 dale by my truck
pw.jpg 317 hits | 46.07 KB | Posted: 5/3/04 The power wagon
d44 locked f&r
stuckf350.jpg 364 hits | 60.67 KB | Posted: 5/3/04 heres the stuck f350 that begged me for my winch