DCP_0778.JPG1780 hits | 63.28 KB | Posted: 10/19/04Hidden storage with sub box. Two in one.
DCP_0780.JPG929 hits | 60.33 KB | Posted: 10/19/04Storage area
DCP_0781.JPG862 hits | 68.94 KB | Posted: 10/19/04Not the cleanist installation of an amp, but she works.
DCP_0783.JPG844 hits | 49.55 KB | Posted: 10/19/04Top veiw of box
DCP_0784.JPG717 hits | 58.99 KB | Posted: 10/19/04Top veiw of box
DCP_0779.JPG689 hits | 50.47 KB | Posted: 10/19/04Two Rockfod subs