185.jpg2013 hits | 90.45 KB | Posted: 7/17/04Hanging out in the sun!
185 2.jpg1908 hits | 73.41 KB | Posted: 7/17/04Rear veiw
185 3.jpg1877 hits | 64.91 KB | Posted: 7/17/04Sky cam
wheel shot 3.jpg1794 hits | 55.04 KB | Posted: 7/17/048 spoke action!!
Black - Panels.jpg1867 hits | 87.71 KB | Posted: 9/20/04Interior shot. Seats are still filthy....but hey, its a barn find
bug 1.jpg1779 hits | 88.69 KB | Posted: 9/24/04First days on the road!
Meep Meep.jpg1960 hits | 78.04 KB | Posted: 9/24/04Weedeatin'