Side.JPG 2209 hits | 48.08 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 For some strange reason, Ford decided not to use the front marker lamps as turn signals or as flashe...
Spliced Turn Signal.JPG 1718 hits | 44.73 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 Here you can see where I spliced into the turn signal wire and attached a new wire that will attach ...
Cut Marker Lamp.JPG 1686 hits | 55.33 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 Cut the ground (black wire) on the marker lamp and attach it to the wire that is spliced on the turn...
Wrapped Up.JPG 1586 hits | 50.41 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 I wrapped up the new wire with wire loom and covered up the splice with a section of larger wire loo...
Marker Lamp Connected.JPG 1580 hits | 59.44 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 Next, the marker lamp's ground wire is connected to the new wire from the turn signal. Be sure and c...
Wire routing .JPG 1628 hits | 55 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 There is less room to run wiring on the driver's side. I ended up removing the Marauder Airbox so I ...
Wire Routing Side.JPG 1555 hits | 53.33 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 Here's a pic of the wire routing, viewed from the side. A screwdriver points to the new wire and it'...
Wire Routing Front.JPG 1489 hits | 42.34 KB | Posted: 11/17/04 Here's a pic of the wire routing, viewed from where the headlights are typically mounted. Again, a s...
916NA vs 194 1.JPG 1651 hits | 54.69 KB | Posted: 12/4/04 I replaced the tiny 194NA bulbs with the larger 916NA. Hopefully this will result in a brighter turn...
916NA vs 194 .JPG 1506 hits | 74.62 KB | Posted: 12/4/04 One more pic to show the difference in size.
Bulb Comparison.JPG 1589 hits | 54.71 KB | Posted: 3/6/05 I also replaced the amber 906 bulbs w/silver coated amber bulbs.
Tools required.JPG 1537 hits | 70.97 KB | Posted: 3/6/05 The tools required to replace the marker lamp bulbs.
Corner Lamp Amber.JPG 1640 hits | 47.81 KB | Posted: 3/6/05 Here's what the amber bulb looks like, installed.
Corner Lamp Amber Cls.JPG 1477 hits | 56.92 KB | Posted: 3/6/05 A close-up of the soon-to-be replaced amber 906 bulb.
Silver Corner Lamp Installed2.JPG 2732 hits | 69.58 KB | Posted: 3/6/05 The cleaned up front end with silver 3457 turn signal bulbs and silver 906 marker lamp bulbs.