95pgtbg.jpg927 hits | 60.44 KB | Posted: 8/20/07at the cardinals game
wspgtbg.jpg952 hits | 78.49 KB | Posted: 7/7/07
DSC00100.JPG935 hits | 73.72 KB | Posted: 7/7/07
bglu.JPG902 hits | 68.29 KB | Posted: 2/13/07
BW_95gravel.jpg624 hits | 36.44 KB | Posted: 7/8/06
DSCF1783.JPG597 hits | 42.27 KB | Posted: 7/5/06
DSCF1781.JPG685 hits | 42.06 KB | Posted: 7/5/06
DSCF1779.JPG684 hits | 53.43 KB | Posted: 7/5/06
DSCF1775.JPG626 hits | 38.09 KB | Posted: 7/5/06
DSCF0491.JPG1000 hits | 85.27 KB | Posted: 8/20/04Washed, waxed, and shiny
blackpgt_indriveway.jpg972 hits | 74.32 KB | Posted: 8/15/04In the driveway the day we bought it
blackpgt_speedo.jpg907 hits | 39.78 KB | Posted: 8/15/04Look at that odometer.
DSCF0485.JPG884 hits | 94.12 KB | Posted: 8/16/04Aug 15 @ Creve Couer; front
blackpgt_icecream.jpg879 hits | 86.22 KB | Posted: 8/15/04Me eating ice cream in front of it the day we bought it.