01 Skinned.JPG 1515 hits | 72.43 KB | Posted: 6/2/05 Pulling the bumper cover is fairly easy, but there are 4 tabs under the grille & headlights that hav...
02 Marked.JPG 1606 hits | 85.53 KB | Posted: 6/2/05 Before pulling the cover off, I positioned the lights & marked their locations with a scratch-awl.
03 Mounted.JPG 1567 hits | 83.92 KB | Posted: 6/2/05 These cheap lights are easy to mount & aim. In this location, it will also be easy to change the bu...
04 Lit.JPG 1670 hits | 76.2 KB | Posted: 6/2/05 The pre-fabbed wiring harness makes it easy to hook them up, but I haven't decided how I'll set them...
05 In.JPG 1751 hits | 71.41 KB | Posted: 6/2/05 Even though they're partially blocked, they still put out a lot of light. Normally, they're not as ...
06 On.JPG 2003 hits | 50.9 KB | Posted: 6/3/05 They're cheap, but at least they're cheap.