DoorLock_Wires.jpg880 hits | 59.61 KB | Posted: 9/6/04View of Door Lock Wires from the Door Switch/Motor
Door_Harness_Connectors.jpg503 hits | 52.76 KB | Posted: 9/6/04Are these the ones I should be looking at?
Door-Frame_Harness.jpg441 hits | 45.55 KB | Posted: 9/6/04See that Cast Piece? What I want is behind there.
FD-1_Harness.jpg476 hits | 66.13 KB | Posted: 9/6/04This is the wiring harness for the Remote Unit. VERY handy.
Unknown_Connectors.jpg474 hits | 92.68 KB | Posted: 9/6/04I SO don't want to mess with these!