DSCN1321.JPG720 hits | 85.91 KB | Posted: 8/5/063/16 thick 11" by 36"
DSCN1320.JPG614 hits | 93.21 KB | Posted: 8/5/06marked up and ready to cut
DSCN1323.JPG686 hits | 90.19 KB | Posted: 8/5/06opening cut out.
DSCN1324.JPG673 hits | 98.03 KB | Posted: 8/5/06drop down box made.
DSCN1325.JPG659 hits | 97.36 KB | Posted: 8/5/06painted the skid plate semi-gloss black
DSCN1326.JPG838 hits | 96.51 KB | Posted: 8/5/06installed back under the bronco.
DSCN1328.JPG713 hits | 99.1 KB | Posted: 8/5/06
DSCN1327.JPG1105 hits | 108.26 KB | Posted: 11/16/06