P1010113.JPG 2324 hits | 45.79 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 Started with a rectangular sheet of 3/16" diamond plate that weighed apx. 50 lbs! Cut it down to th...
P1010114.JPG 2232 hits | 65.62 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 steel bending using the ol BFH.
P1010117.JPG 2255 hits | 58.54 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 Mounted up over the stock skid, which is still on. The rear lip is a bit unever, so the last pic sh...
P1010119.JPG 1910 hits | 59.75 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 Attached up top at the stock bolt locations
P1010122.JPG 2309 hits | 63.37 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 The diamond plate is on the inner side, so it's smooth on the outside. Diamondplate also makes the ...
P1010125.JPG 2055 hits | 58.97 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 Diagram of the H cut needed
P1010126.JPG 1866 hits | 57.01 KB | Posted: 7/27/03 Diagram from the side of the bending needed to attach it.
101_0186.JPG 1900 hits | 45.97 KB | Posted: 4/17/04 Recent photo, took the plate back off and drilled a few 1 1/2" drain holes, and ground down the rear...