101_0176.JPG 1787 hits | 47.38 KB | Posted: 4/10/04 With a softtop, it was time to look at lightening the tailgate load of uneeded items...glass rear wi...
101_0169.JPG 2517 hits | 41.97 KB | Posted: 4/10/04 paper backing peeled back to reveal motor arm. At this point I have already removed the glass.
101_0170.JPG 1624 hits | 45.86 KB | Posted: 4/10/04 4 bolts and the motor/mechanism is ready for removal as shown.
101_0177.JPG 1731 hits | 35.36 KB | Posted: 4/10/04 ran into a problem after closing the tailgate...it would not release and open again.
101_0179.JPG 1854 hits | 37.86 KB | Posted: 4/10/04 underneath this rivet was an arm that went to the bottom of the tailgate, that the glass would rest ...
101_0181.JPG 1730 hits | 43.62 KB | Posted: 4/10/04 And here is the arm. Once I took a grinder to the rivet and punched it out, the arm fell loose, and...