101_0195.JPG 1825 hits | 37.34 KB | Posted: 5/11/04 Getting ready for the rear quarter trim. The exhaust, for reference, is maybe 1" below the body.
101_0199.JPG 1732 hits | 42.41 KB | Posted: 5/11/04 Scrap from both sides. Was pretty easy to do, took about an hour per side.
101_0200.JPG 1830 hits | 33.63 KB | Posted: 5/11/04 End result, removed 3 1/4-3 1/2" on each side.
102_0204.JPG 1957 hits | 56.19 KB | Posted: 5/11/04 One final shot. I did repaint carefully as well. Like most of the other junk I've done, you likely...