475 hits | 102.43 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

Here is the bumper that was on the bronco when i got it. the grill guard is welded to the bumper. an...
453 hits | 78.73 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

here is another view of my helper and the front bumper.
christain front.jpg
476 hits | 87.04 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

Here is Christian and the stock old bumper.
537 hits | 80.3 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here are 2 of the 4 bolts that hold the stock bumper on.
483 hits | 129.1 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

after the 4 bolts were removed the bumper was tossed aside. The new bumper fits the bronco so much b...
424 hits | 105.59 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

the new bumper is 28" on the mounts. this was off a suburban.
39 5.jpg
450 hits | 92.33 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

out side to outside frame spacing is 39.5"
458 hits | 87.33 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here she is naked no bumper. I did a fast wire wheel cleanup
frame after paint.jpg
465 hits | 89.98 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

Here is the front end after i removed the stock bumper and primed and painted the frame and exposed ...
477 hits | 93.42 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here i am test fitting the new to me bumper. it was off a full size chevy so there will be work to d...
477 hits | 96.28 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is another test fit shot. you can see the long chevy mounts on the rear. the chevy frame was 4"...
453 hits | 94.66 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

The front fenders have a "Tooth" that hangs down on the front. i decided i woud remove it and set th...
424 hits | 94.91 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the drivers side done and retesting the fit of the bumper.looks good to me.
436 hits | 96.67 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the lower part of the front fender i cut out. there is a plastic inside liner i removed that...
438 hits | 92.64 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the "Tooth" on the pass side. it was fine with the stock bumper but out of place for the new...
440 hits | 86.81 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the front angle of the "tooth" i am removing.

front 2.jpg
428 hits | 87.82 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

here is the front without the bumper. looks strange.
440 hits | 88.67 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

this is the pass side with the fender cut out but not the plastic liner. This is a good place to cat...
455 hits | 82.78 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

I just followed the body line around the side. i had to leve the triangle on the front there was a s...
471 hits | 92.19 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here are the fender ends i cut off the pass side of the front fender.
448 hits | 101.36 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the new bumper being test fit. i want to tuck it in so it does not stick out too far.
495 hits | 99.59 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

Here is the test fit after the pass side was all trimed.
468 hits | 91.59 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

Here is the pass side after i clipped the tooth off. much nicer looking.
517 hits | 87.97 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the pass side all trimed up and ready for the bumper.
485 hits | 91.42 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

with both fenders cut and the correct height spacers this is almost where i i want the bumper to sit...
434 hits | 97.59 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

here is the pass side all clipped and waiting for the new bumper.
501 hits | 86.58 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

Here is another view with the paint.
front start.jpg
432 hits | 101.25 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

I knew i was going to install a winch someday. i wanted to make this as strong as possible. I got th...
rear mount.jpg
462 hits | 103.96 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

Here is how it will connect to the rear bumper mount.
449 hits | 117.78 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

I used angle iron to mount the back bumper mount to the frame.
fornt mount2.jpg
447 hits | 107.04 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

Here is another shot of hoe the rear of the front bumper mount goes.
front side mounts.jpg
474 hits | 89.58 KB | Posted: 10/12/06

here are the side getting paint added.
4inch rear mount.jpg
448 hits | 96.7 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the rear mount. i cleaned it real good and hit it with primer and paint.

front back2.jpg
467 hits | 71.4 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the driver side all bolted in place. these are 1/2" grade bolts and nuts with poly lock nuts...
front back mount.jpg
478 hits | 72.03 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the pass side of the bracket.
432 hits | 75.69 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

I need to drill out the back so i could bolt the rear of the bumper to it.
424 hits | 88.39 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

center bumper mount to center bumper mount hole is 38" inches.
frame horn.jpg
459 hits | 90.9 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

the front horns are 2" wide.
frame driver.jpg
432 hits | 88.78 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

you can see the other rear bolt mounts in this pic as well

front end.jpg
466 hits | 90.05 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

another frame shot after i painted the valence.

498 hits | 83.58 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

with the back worked out i needed to get a front mount. these were cut off the rear bumper andgoing ...
478 hits | 90.42 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the pass side mount. you can see the 3 bolts now. These were in for test alignment only.
452 hits | 86.01 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

here it is with the rear holes drilled. There are 10 1/2" bolts going to the frame now where there w...
front back.jpg
453 hits | 90.56 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the bottom all cleaned and painted ready for the install
467 hits | 81.56 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here it is all bolted in rear mount and front mounts. i jumped all over this bumper and it does not ...
452 hits | 97.63 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here it is bolted in place. This thing is not going anywhere.
front installed.jpg
467 hits | 97.57 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is a side shot of the bumper installed. it looks good time to paint the top side of the bumper.
436 hits | 86.18 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the bumper all painted and ready to go. It got a spot for the winch and a front reciver poin...
480 hits | 86.74 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here it is from the front all painted.
459 hits | 83.29 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the drivers side all painted. this sure does improve the front end looks.
434 hits | 87.58 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

this bumper is kid tested tuff said my son Christian
509 hits | 66.21 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is a shot i like ground up. this bumper really works for this front end.
newbumpersand lift.jpg
445 hits | 81.54 KB | Posted: 11/3/06

Here she is out on the street.
front plate mount 3.jpg
466 hits | 92.33 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

well the police stopped and said it was law to have a front license plate and a big fine for not hav...
front plate mount2.jpg
469 hits | 94.12 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here it is cut and drilled. ready for the install.
front plate2.jpg
449 hits | 79.36 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here it is on the beast with the plate. time to get new plates this one is beat up bad...
front shot 2.jpg
439 hits | 58.24 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

Here s the new front plate mount.
front shot.jpg
459 hits | 56.62 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

another shot of the front plate mount
front bumper.jpg
632 hits | 66.19 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

here is the last picture of the mount
504 hits | 72.93 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the new grill guard. it is just 2"X3" square tube. i welded amd ground smoth. it is so tall...
472 hits | 87.51 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the spot the grill guard is going to go. you can see the squares i cut out with the plasma c...
grill guard.jpg
1100 hits | 62.4 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

here is a front view of the new grill guard.
grill guard2.jpg
533 hits | 62.64 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

here is a driver side view of the new guard
482 hits | 60.28 KB | Posted: 10/13/06

Here is the new grill guard all painted. It looks good and gives a good place to hold onto when work...

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