old raditor.JPG 660 hits | 61.35 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 When we got Brutis all seemed fine. a week later we smelled anti-freeze. i looked closer and found i...
old raditor2.JPG 567 hits | 54.96 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is the other side of the raditor
old raditor3.JPG 605 hits | 41.04 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 you can see some of the leak here next to the tank.
old raditor4.JPG 548 hits | 51.96 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 there are 3 10mm screw on the top of the fan shroud. i removed them.
old raditor5.JPG 550 hits | 42.71 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 there are 2 more screws on the side of the shroud.
old raditor6.JPG 552 hits | 44.18 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 there are 2 more on the drivers side of the shroud as well.
wrenches.JPG 570 hits | 43.72 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 these are the only way to get the cooler lines off without rounding the fittings.
old raditor7.JPG 559 hits | 52.98 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 you have to use the 3/4 hose wrench to remove the oil cooler lines. you can see the leak was worse t...
old raditor8.JPG 536 hits | 51.29 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 the trany cooler lines are 1/2 i removed them as wel. you can see it was leaking this side too.
old raditor9.JPG 561 hits | 50.16 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 al that is left to disconnect from the raditor is the heater return line 5/8 inch hose and the over ...
old raditor10.JPG 595 hits | 50.38 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 this is the oil cooler lines.
skid plate.JPG 583 hits | 64.05 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 to get the bottom shroud out you need to drop the front skid plate. i used a 10mm on the cross memeb...
old raditor11.JPG 574 hits | 53.26 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is the tranny cooler side a second view
old raditor12.JPG 568 hits | 60.69 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 the raditor came right out. i cleaned the front end so there as no oil or p/s fluid and road crud.
old raditor13.JPG 618 hits | 65.91 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here are most of the old parts. i did not toss anything until i knew i did not need it for any parts...
old raditor14.JPG 612 hits | 94.54 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is the old raditor out in the yard.
new thermastat.JPG 601 hits | 48.7 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 while i was replaceing most of the cooling system i replaced the thermastat with a 160 degree unit.
new thermastat2.JPG 564 hits | 68.65 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 to pull out the old one it taks a 9/16 wrench and out she comes. i cleaned all the parts up before r...
new thermastat3.JPG 611 hits | 40.02 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is the new part and the new gasket. they swapped to an o-ring so the swap was fast and painless...
new thermastat4.JPG 615 hits | 66.14 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 make sure you install the thermastat in the correct manor--the point should point to the raditor sid...
new thermastat5.JPG 592 hits | 66.69 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 reinstall the stud and the bolt and then the ground wire and then the nut. the thermastat swap is co...
new raditor.JPG 606 hits | 50.49 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 i caled around and found that 1-800 raditors had the best price on this i told then it was for the 4...
new raditor2.JPG 578 hits | 51.61 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 looks all pretty in the box.
new raditor trans cooler.JPG 610 hits | 57.51 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is a closer view of the trany cooler side
cooler lines.JPG 594 hits | 34.73 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 after making sure the raditor was seated in the lower mounts i connected the tranny cooler lines.
oil lines.JPG 633 hits | 52.23 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 i reconnected the oil cooler lines after replacing the o-rings. i was missing one.
new raditor3.JPG 699 hits | 57.77 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 i replaced the heater return line and the over flow line.
new lower hose.JPG 627 hits | 67.26 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is the lower line. i replaced it as well.
new lower hose2.JPG 605 hits | 54.03 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 this is the NAPA number 8400 for the lower.
shroud.JPG 608 hits | 68.78 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 after a good cleaning the top shroud goes back into place
new raditor4.JPG 656 hits | 53.22 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here is the new top hose.
new raditor5.JPG 621 hits | 64.81 KB | Posted: 6/9/07 here s the completed job. i reconnected the front axle vent clamp to the shroud and topped the anti ...