523 hits | 77.05 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

out in Moab
383 hits | 58.51 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

451 hits | 62.88 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Jeff's bronco leads the way in Moab
Moab2004 083.jpg
246 hits | 42.1 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Beautiful...and so is Moab
358 hits | 72.9 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Stopped at Lion's Back
283 hits | 81.42 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

chadwick030704 002.jpg
326 hits | 97.57 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Chris' Samuri playing in the Missouri mud
chadwick030704 007.jpg
287 hits | 120.16 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Jeff showing off in two wheel drive
chadwick030704 020.jpg
296 hits | 89.87 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Love the bumper sticker and plate
chadwick030704 052.jpg
305 hits | 99.21 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

chadwick030704 056.jpg
315 hits | 98.02 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Before my big tires
chadwick030704 017.jpg
282 hits | 106.74 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

My co-pilot
chadwick030704 064.jpg
259 hits | 105.77 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Hi Ho Zuki !!!
Moab2004 196.jpg
286 hits | 62.68 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Moab2004 179.jpg
297 hits | 64.37 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

The Famous "Hole"
Moab2004 100.jpg
280 hits | 58.58 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Moab2004 152.jpg
321 hits | 58.91 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Moab2004 088.jpg
289 hits | 79.5 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Moab2004 233.jpg
335 hits | 54.51 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Jeff playing on the dunes in Oklahoma
Moab2004 239.jpg
289 hits | 73.07 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

Moab2004 224.jpg
304 hits | 44.25 KB | Posted: 11/21/04

On the way home with a special driver
thanksgiving4x4-04 026.jpg
312 hits | 124.52 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Thanksgiving trip-all lined up
thanksgiving4x4-04 016.jpg
304 hits | 97.02 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Denys just found out he is driving a jeep not a bronco.
thanksgiving4x4-04 030.jpg
293 hits | 103.64 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Deep rut
thanksgiving4x4-04 040.jpg
337 hits | 100.24 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Cliff's Fordota going through the deep stuff
thanksgiving4x4-04 042.jpg
357 hits | 94.82 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

I got a little dirty
thanksgiving4x4-04 064.jpg
340 hits | 92.09 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

group photo
thanksgiving4x4-04 079.jpg
306 hits | 101.2 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Big and bad
thanksgiving4x4-04 072.jpg
283 hits | 71.52 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 071.jpg
304 hits | 81.12 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Cliff gettin with it
thanksgiving4x4-04 083.jpg
356 hits | 109.73 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

group photo 2
thanksgiving4x4-04 048.jpg
326 hits | 94.26 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 019.jpg
358 hits | 93.54 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 020.jpg
360 hits | 95.24 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 059.jpg
329 hits | 70.16 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 036.jpg
385 hits | 118.37 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 092.jpg
394 hits | 90.94 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Denys having fun
thanksgiving4x4-04 100.jpg
475 hits | 104.32 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

Very nice Cherokee
thanksgiving4x4-04 037.jpg
486 hits | 121.78 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 044.jpg
468 hits | 90.75 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

thanksgiving4x4-04 077.jpg
513 hits | 100.15 KB | Posted: 11/25/04

5.0 installed 004.jpg
497 hits | 104.31 KB | Posted: 8/2/05

New motor almost in. It runs!!
mudfest tulsa 072005 006.jpg
895 hits | 103.89 KB | Posted: 8/2/05

mudfest at sparks campground in Oklahoma
mudfest tulsa 072005 133.jpg
589 hits | 95.15 KB | Posted: 8/2/05

Mark out in the mud pit at sparks
mudfest tulsa 072005 005.jpg
637 hits | 90.49 KB | Posted: 8/2/05

One of the pretty ladies who played in the mud at mudfest
mudfest tulsa 072005 013.jpg
561 hits | 110.11 KB | Posted: 8/2/05

Cory's jeep after it went through the hole

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