DSCN0009.JPG580 hits | 80.5 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
DSCN0007.JPG689 hits | 53.17 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
DSCN0010.JPG541 hits | 78.46 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
DSCN0004.JPG578 hits | 92.02 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
DSCN0006.JPG548 hits | 69.07 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
DSCN0005.JPG490 hits | 92.28 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
cvw30019.JPG553 hits | 77.25 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
DSCN0008.JPG645 hits | 93.84 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
White1325.JPG513 hits | 105.84 KB | Posted: 1/23/07
Tranny filter Brutus0527.JPG782 hits | 72.35 KB | Posted: 1/2/05Remote tranny filter. Line enters from tranny then into radiator then through dual tranny coolers.
brutus&black bk01a.jpg677 hits | 119.36 KB | Posted: 3/24/05Brutus towing Bronco
Tranny filter Brutus0526.JPG659 hits | 83.5 KB | Posted: 1/2/05PermaCool Remote Tranny Filter with temp sender.
brutus&black bk02.jpg634 hits | 103.43 KB | Posted: 3/24/05
Brutus 0546b.jpg623 hits | 101.7 KB | Posted: 1/2/05Brutus
D44 Brutus A0516.jpg616 hits | 80.63 KB | Posted: 1/3/05'79 D44 in back of Brutus