1986 Ford Crown Victoria LTD
Owner: Ryan Pugh 
From: Monmouth, ME, U.S.A.        (Other registries in ME)
Year, Make, & Model: 1986 Ford Crown Victoria LTD        (Other Ford Crown Victoria LTDs)
Nickname: Big Ugly Fat F-
Mileage: 76901
Engine: A completely stock 150hp 302.
Drivetrain: Stock 4 speed AOD.
Notes: I picked it up out of a local swap/sell magazine, not until I went to pick up the car did I realise I was buying it from relatives. In the end I paid $750 for it, and I can easily say it was well worth the money. The paint is decent, and I'm sure it could look better but I don't plan on washing it and having my pipes freeze. The vinyl is cracking thanks to the former owners use of Armor All, but I'll be repairing that come summer too. Hell there isn't much I plan on doing with it until summer.
Last Updated: 1/3/2005
Hits: 3042
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folder 1986 LTD Crown Vic LX000001/3/051/3/05
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778 hits | 66.61 KB | Posted: 1/3/05

My stepfather making sure everything is tied down, towing the car home was a pain, I didn't know our Yukon could make some of those noises!
494 hits | 61.64 KB | Posted: 1/3/05

Getting the trailer ready for this car.
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778 hits | 66.61 KB | Posted: 1/3/05

My stepfather making sure everything is tied down, towing the car home was a pain, I didn't know our Yukon could make some of those noises!
494 hits | 61.64 KB | Posted: 1/3/05

Getting the trailer ready for this car.
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