Rebuilt Front2.JPG526 hits | 87.7 KB | Posted: 5/4/06Rebuilt Engine Front no Timing cover,
Rebuilt Front3.JPG492 hits | 50.02 KB | Posted: 5/4/06Rebuilt Front complete without accessories.
Rebuilt Left Side.JPG483 hits | 60.47 KB | Posted: 5/4/06Rebuilt Left side complete.
Rebuilt no VC2.JPG455 hits | 82.54 KB | Posted: 5/4/06Rebuilt ZE head with DE cams and Interprep springs.
Rebuilt Rear.JPG436 hits | 63.18 KB | Posted: 5/4/06
Rebuilt Right3.JPG489 hits | 63.36 KB | Posted: 5/4/06Right hand side complete with stock ZE header.
Rebuilt Top2.jpg493 hits | 71.07 KB | Posted: 5/4/06
Broken Block1.JPG460 hits | 74.4 KB | Posted: 12/30/05Missing chuck of #4
Broken Block.JPG513 hits | 84.76 KB | Posted: 12/30/05Missing chuck of piston and ring poking up through the hole.
Damaged Head.JPG554 hits | 86.93 KB | Posted: 12/30/05Ring stabbing into the head.
Damaged Head1.JPG592 hits | 84.74 KB | Posted: 12/30/05Damage from Ring on the left of the Intake port.
Piston 003.jpg454 hits | 52.64 KB | Posted: 9/15/10
Piston 002.jpg480 hits | 54.37 KB | Posted: 9/15/10